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Scaling Teams. Strategies for Building Successful Teams and Organizations - Onepress

Scaling Teams. Strategies for Building Successful Teams and Organizations
Autor: Alexander Grosse, David Loftesness
ISBN: 978-14-919-5222-1
stron: 282, Format: ebook
Data wydania: 2017-01-11
Księgarnia: Onepress

Cena książki: 109,65 zł (poprzednio: 127,50 zł)
Oszczędzasz: 14% (-17,85 zł)

Dodaj do koszyka Scaling Teams. Strategies for Building Successful Teams and Organizations

Tagi: Komunikacja i negocjacje

Leading a fast-growing team is a uniquely challenging experience. Startups with a hot product often double or triple in size quickly—a recipe for chaos if company leaders aren’t prepared for the pitfalls of hyper-growth. If you’re leading a startup or a new team between 10 and 150 people, this guide provides a practical approach to managing your way through these challenges.

Each section covers essential strategies and tactics for managing growth, starting with a single team and exploring typical scaling points as the team grows in size and complexity. The book also provides many examples and lessons learned, based on the authors’ experience and interviews with industry leaders.

Learn how to make the most of:

  • Hiring: Learn a scalable hiring process for growing your team
  • People management: Use 1-on-1 mentorship, dispute resolution, and other techniques to ensure your team is happy and productive
  • Organization: Motivate employees by applying five organizational design principles
  • Culture: Build a culture that can evolve as you grow, while remaining connected to the team’s core values
  • Communication: Ensure that important information—and only the important stuff—gets through

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Osoby które kupowały "Scaling Teams. Strategies for Building Successful Teams and Organizations", wybierały także:

  • Korzystna transakcja. Strategie i taktyki skutecznego negocjatora
  • Lepszy pracodawca. Jak autentyczny employer branding zmienia biznes, rynek pracy i ludzi
  • Oprogramowanie szyte na miarÄ™. Jak rozmawiać z klientem, który nie wie, czego chce. Wydanie II rozszerzone
  • Socjotechnika. Metody manipulacji i ludzki aspekt bezpieczeÅ„stwa
  • MANIPULACJA ODCZAROWANA! 777 skutecznych technik wpÅ‚ywu. Wydanie 2 rozszerzone

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